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Генрих VIII. Жизнь королевского двора
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Destined to become one of those monarchs whose name is known to the world centuries later, English King Henry VIII's image has been immortalized in portraits by great painters of the Renaissance era. The characteristic features of his personality, which both fascinated and intimidated his contemporaries, are abundantly evident in various historical documents. The details of his biography have become legendary over the centuries, prompting scholars, writers, and filmmakers to explore the life of the royal court in that distant era.

In her research, Alison Weir - a professional historian, writer, and acclaimed master of royal chronicles - creates a comprehensive and mesmerizingly human portrait of Henry VIII Tudor. It is far removed from the dry descriptions found in textbooks and the popular culture image of a king who lived a life of rough entertainment and mindless pursuit of pleasure.

The author shows us a different Henry - a powerful king who ruled in an era when the monarch's personal and political lives were closely intertwined - and the brilliant, intricately organized court that he created and managed. The struggle for power, wars, intrigues, victories, and defeats - Henry VIII's life was filled with events. Against this backdrop, surrounded by courtiers vying for the honor and reward of being in the king's inner circle, the reader is presented with the truly magnificent figure of Henry VIII.

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