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The Master went back to the same closet in the corner and took a midsized box. I rubbed

my shoulder and stared at what he had in his hands, all fascinated. What did he get for me this time?

We had known this man since childhood. And when in Karun, he would visit us bringing inevitably all sorts of yummies. Elcha and I used to look forward to his visits that always seemed something of a miracle – we were rather poor those days, so sweets were a luxury we could never afford. And for our birthdays he would always make something beautiful for us – bracelets, hairpins or earrings.

I leaned over the box that had already been opened for me, and as soon as I looked in my eyebrows went up – two blades at the bottom of the box.

“Star Ore!” I exclaimed.

“Well, that’s what I meant saying it was no easy job to get it!” Truvle smiled totally delighted with the effect his gift had produced.

“How would you ever get it?!” I was ready to jump with delight or hug him like a five-year-old girl getting her best doll for birthday. But as soon as I could get back to my normal senses I looked at him with sincere regret and said: “Truvle, I can’t take the gift. Too expensive…”

Star ore was really expensive stuff as it was nothing short of cosmic iron. And that was far from a common thing in Elisar.

“Stop being stupid! Take it … Should have done it long ago, actually! Perhaps nothing would have happened if you had had something to protect yourself!” he spat out and stopped immediately.

I lowered my eyes as I knew perfectly well what he meant…

The Beast

That day…

I was on my way back from the fortress that belonged to an extremely powerful man, of a disgusting appearance and the worst temper you could ever imagine.

Well, of course, I was talking to him with a broad and happy smile on my face, and

agreed with all his silly remarks, nodding all the time yet deep down inside burning with the desire to get out of there as soon as I could.

Finally, taking a hefty fee for the elixirs I had delivered, I dropped in a small local market to buy some bread and milk, and left the place. The Sun was about to set, and half way through I stopped to have a bite. I stepped off the path leading to Karun and sat down on a small rock.

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