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“We thought you were dead, but Uncle Truvle could feel your pulse – just a thread, but it was there. And then we got all these decoctions, just forcing them down into you, in smallest drops, for almost two weeks.” Elcha said as she wiping his face with a sleeve.

“Forgive me, Ricka, my fault!” Nargarra said in a squeezed voice, “We shouldn’t have relied on your speed…”

“Oh, come on. I’m still here! And where did you find the mours? Yuck!” I smiled and made a wry face as I looked at the bowl Nargara had in her hands.

“You’ve been in bed for nearly three weeks. The wounds skinned over in around ten days but you remained unconscious, so I had to turn to some radical measures,” Nargara smiled, too, and then added in a tough tone, “but don’t even think about getting up just yet! The bones will be knitting wrong and then you’ll remain twisted forever!”

“And nobody will marry you,” Elcha laughed through tears.

I smiled, and it was a sincere smile as my heart felt relieved a bit.

“By the way, Sorren came again; nearly broke the door asking to see you, but Mammy wouldn’t let him in anyway. She told to come again as soon as you are up, and he promised to come with his folks to propose to you.”

“Again!… Please, tell me this is a joke!” I moaned pulling the blanket over my head. As I looked out of the shelter I added, “Why not tell him I did not survive?”

That made everyone laugh.

The Birthday Gift

I stayed another three weeks in bed, strict supervision over me. All that time, Nargara made me drink all sorts of potions. I had never taken so much bitter and smelly stuff in my life. However, it all worked, so my fractured bones were getting better rather quickly. By the third week my patience was exhausted and no matter how hard they tried to keep me in bed, I got up for the first time.

And when the pain in the ribs subsided, Nargara said our family business proved rather dangerous a venture, so I should know how to protect myself, and then told me to go to Yoos to study some hand-fight. On top of that, she made all sorts of protective amulets, so with each step I made my travel bag now clinked as it was full of flasks containing rather dangerous liquids called proudly Battle Elixirs. And every time I opened my bag I gave all those things a suspicious look – no, not that I feared for my life. I was rather anxious not to mix them all up and give one of them to a customer – and then, instead of getting healthier and younger, one of them would turn into a handful of ashes.

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