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“Better keep that fire away from home,” my look was full of reprimand.

“Ricka, I’ll be the soul of prudence. Just let me try, half effect…” she was begging now.

“I told you!” I pointed. “And don’t forget to have a bucket of water at hand when running your experiments. I know your crazy ways… Get your room burnt down – I will never let you set your foot in mine!”

Yes, we both were firesses, which means with due training we could make good fire sorcerers, both endowed with the capacity at least.

But what training could a Tars get in the World of Water? Next to none! Just because there was nobody to teach you properly. Especially in this middle-of-nowhere. The only magic you could get here was the Water magic. Moreover, Nargara never talked much about our abilities saying that people were the same everywhere, and they wouldn’t be particularly happy to do business with someone belonging to an opposite magic type, nor would they ever trust them that much.

In cities like Ozeron or Targeld, everyone was used to those belonging to different other elements, while in province prejudice was still strong. And Nargara believed it might pose a serious risk to work. My speed was perceived by all as a manifestation of the Water magic; watermen happened to have some control over the time pace. And Elcha, too, knew a couple of tricks, so generally everyone was pretty happy.

At times, though, Nargara seemed to be going too far with all this secrecy and was too much meticulous with the entire issue. I was especially curious why she would always use lots of herbs to dye our natural fiery-red hair attaching to it some gold-copper shade, which was more typical of the Highlands. I couldn’t get how it might ever affect customers’ satisfaction yet I did not dare to argue with Mammy.

“Here. Truvle got this for you,” and I pulled the birch box out of my bag.

In a split second Elcha was next to me, bobbing up and down in anticipation. She snatched the gift from my hands and it took her only one flash-like movement to drop all the contents onto her bed.

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