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I was quick to jump up and drag my sister to the cleft seeing that the black monster was once again on its feet, already shaking its head to come round.

“Oh, shit,” I couldn’t hold anger, “they are up again… We got to run now.”

We ran down the narrow crevice in the rocks, dodging between stones. The cleft was soon left behind and we jumped out of the other side of the cliff.

The Sun had already set, and twilight came. We ended up just a little way off the Karun valley, and now there was a huge green field stretching before us.

I knew the place. Local shepherds often brought cattle to graze here. A little left, there was the trade route, and further down it, was the Eagle’s Nest fortress.

“There,” I waved to the side where the city lights were flickering, and then turned to Elcha. She was standing there, staggering, all pale and her face fallen. I even thought for a second that she had grown several years older within just the last minutes.

“I read somewhere that combat magic drains your power. But I could never have expected the feeling to be such a nasty one,” she smiled tightly.

“Hold on,” I whispered, casting a nervous glance at the cleft. “Looks like we’ve broken off, despite the thin odds. I don’t think they’ll squeeze through the crevice. Now all we got to do is get home,” I grabbed her hand and dragged along.

“We need to get to the valley entrance… the valley is sealed, they said, sealed, they said they would not go there…” she muttered indistinctly under her breath, “now I understaaand …” she drawled and giggled.

I gave her a look full of suspicion.

Looks like she is delirious, I concluded, as she went on slurring over her words, “They picked up the trail, hee-hee… there was only a year left, he said, all you have to do is just hold out for another year, hee-hee-hee … and he also said, while one is alive we don’t need the other one. Yes, that’s what he said… And there was something else, something about the danger of


“Who was saying that, Elcha?” I snapped. I was all in goosebumps seeing her going insane.

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