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“Hey, dear!” he greeted me with his low yet tender voice.

“Hey, hope you are having a nice day here! Saw me coming?” I sat on an enormous bench at the door.

“Could not miss you, of course. You are just an arrow fire when moving, could see you from far away. Must have covered a long way, huh?” he chuckled. “Brought my stuff?”

“I sure did!” I gave a nod producing a beautiful deep blue flask out of my pocket. “Listen, Truvle, what is this? I did not have the time to ask Mammy but judging by the flask this is not a common order,” and I gave him a sly look.

“Well, I guess it didn’t take you long to figure out that one,” he said and returned the look. “How long did you travel this time? Another record set?”

“Nope…,” I gave a deep sigh, a little forced, probably. “The valley is full of water again, up to your knees, the waterfalls are getting strong. Last time I spent less than an hour… and now – longer. It’s all the water.”

“Yeah, spring is early this year, lots of water,” he uttered watching the clouds hugging the hillside like a blanket would cover a little child sleeping.

The road from our place to Truvle’s workshop ran through the Falls Valley, which looked like an oval-shaped bowl, where from its northern side, five waterfalls – each of different power – fell on both sides, thus creating a whitish water mist, which, turning into clouds, hid most of the valley.

Further on, they all came together creating the Full-Flow River, which rushed out of the valley leaving a happy and sound roar behind.

Typically, that way would take one whole day to cover. For me that was a couple of hours’ job. Round trip, I mean, which gave a major advantage to our family business, so to speak. Elixirs and medicines would not wait a day or two to be delivered to the customer. A healing brew had quite an acceptable shelf life retaining its effect for up to two months. Elixirs, Fillers, though, had an effect that never lasted long – no more than three days, and then they broke up into totally stupid ingredients. And there were even some that lived just several hours. So, judging by the flask, it was one of these that I had just brought to Master Truvle; it means it must have had some enormous effect. So I went on fiddling with that piece of blue and shimmering glass, yet again trying to fathom its magical purpose.

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