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And then it crossed our minds! We could see where Nargara had gone wrong. She gave too much of her care to me, while leaving my sister with none of that, and the latter grew, just like her magic skills did. While up to her ears in other stuff, Mammy just lost the sight of Elcha’s mischief – that which now inflicted a lot of suffering and trouble upon the lot of us.

“We have got relaxed, spent way too much time in Karun,” Captain said, “we believed there was nobody hot on our tails, so we took our guard down. Just failed to recognize.”

“No, Yoos, I don’t think so,” Mammy said in a calm voice and looked at us. “And now, my girls, here is the last question I want to ask you. For fifteen years I have been keeping your abilities secret. Now, how come they found us?

We looked at each other and sank our heads into shoulders. But there was no use trying to conceal anything.

And then Elcha said quietly, nearly in whisper, “It’s me. Yes, it’s my fault. They found from our magic print. I led them straight to ourselves, I did some magic,” she exhaled and pressed herself into the bench taking her head in her hands.

Yes, you did lead them, I thought, more than once, actually. And it was Nargara who saved us from being torn into bits that night. Once she said she had sealed the valley that meant the valley was not just sealed but from then on it was stronger than any fortress.

The witch nodded seeing her worst fears prove true.

“So, young Lady, how long have you been playing with fire?” Yoos inquired slightly leaning forward.

“I don’t know,” she was confused, “Well, I…”

“Had it been just a couple of times they wouldn’t have got the smell,” Truvle shared his observations.

“Well, the milk is spilt now, no way back,” Nargara looked at Elcha, “but I think you are using the source just all-anyhow, which exhausted it so fast. By the way, what were your patterns there? Have never seen anything like that before.” She gave us an unexpected smile that brought so much comfort to the entire place.

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