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This is attunement with the universal, with the whole… to come into harmony with the whole is prayer. This experience is great and limitless, and no precision is possible in it. It is indefinable; any definition is disproportionately small. Any definition conveys some part, but only a part.

Prayer as a bridge between a question and an answer, between a disciple and a master, between a seeker and a sought-after, between the closest, the closest and the most distant highest, between desire and fulfillment.

…This feeling of immeasurable gratitude and appreciation. You have the opportunity to be here in this world, in all its beauty, with all its trees and rivers, mountains and stars. In this amazing beauty you live, you pulsate with life. You didn’t deserve this opportunity. You received it as a gift. Prayer gives thanks for this gift of life. Just to breathe is such a joy! just to open your eyes – and see the green leaves! – or the chirping of birds, or the sounds of running water, or the silence of the night in its velvet darkness… Or sunset, or morning dawn… we did not deserve this! We received all this as a gift, but did not even express gratitude. OSHO

Sense is a subtle phenomenon. It is like the scent of a flower. You cannot catch it, touch it with your hands, but it exists, can you catch it or not, can you put it in the safe or not. It still exists!

How do you identify music? If you start defining it, it will be destroyed. Then there will be only an organized set of sounds, no more… A certain kind of noise, organized in such a way that it no longer seems like noise. Soothing noise. Pleasing to the ear. Is that all? Is there really nothing else in music? No, there is more to music than notes; something more than a complete collection of notes.

If we take this question further… then what is poetry? Just a bunch of words in a specific order? Not. It is something that happens when words are in a certain order – but more than a certain word order. This is not grammar, this is not language – it is something transcendental; something brought to life by words. Words give a reason for poetry to happen.

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