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But there was also a lot of fretting. Dae-jung, although he was not stingy with compliments, never told me about his feelings, and I was lost in guesses when his behaviour was contradictory and illogical. He was not afraid of losing me and never indulged in emotional conversations, arguing that “I already know everything,” and to my direct questions about whether he had any feelings for me, he preferred to either dodge or close my mouth with a kiss.

Often his so-called comrades came to the rescue, who answered for him that “Hey, Dae loves you, you don’t seem to see,” or “Stop nagging, the guy is already yours, you are the one and only for him.” But this was catastrophically not enough for me. We did not have much time for dates because of studies and Dae-jung’s numerous friends who jealously took him away from my already rare moments alone with him, and all this, overlapping one another, made me an insecure, constantly afraid of betrayal girl who, no matter how she asked, was never awarded any confirmation that her feelings were not unrequited. I knew a lot about Dae-jung, but nothing at the same time. I knew everything about his family and character, dreams and fears.

He told me how his mother died of breast cancer and how his father, a mechanic, almost went crazy with grief, trying to accept the loss of his wife. Dae-jung had been working since the age of nine, delivering newspapers and working part-time with his father, repairing cars to somehow make ends meet. Dae-jung himself did not like cars at all; he preferred motorcycles and saved for his own, hoarding every spare penny. The loss of his mother hurt him endlessly and, cursing everything around him, he abandoned studies and, as soon as his father got back on track, threw himself headlong into parties, belatedly pouring alcohol over his grief.

He said that he did not care about the opinions of others as long as they did not hurt him with at least some poorly thrown word. That is, fights and skirmishes, as it is understood, have never been avoided. Dae-jung was very handsome, and conversations about his appearance, ranging from classmates sighing for him and ending with envious comments from guys, always went by the ears, but poisonous phrases like “Where is your mom, why not at the meeting?” or “Hello, half-educated mechanic, you are only destined to fix cars” always ended with the separation of the fighting and calling the unfortunate father to school. Dae-jung had never dated a girl in the traditional sense of the word. He was seen with one, then with another, and with none at the same time. And when he publicly announced that he was dating Binna Lee, everyone’s jaw dropped. This told me a lot but still did not give me much hope – I was always afraid of losing him.

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