Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

Журнальный зал «ГОРКИ МЕДИА»

E. V. Stepanov, «Love doesn’t demand anything» (Interview with the author)

Alexandra Kryuchkova

For faithful service to the national literature, she was awarded literary prizes of A. S. Griboedov, V. V. Mayakovsky, A. P. Chekhov, etc. She got a diploma of O. E. Mandelstam as a laureate of the poetry contest «Gallery of Selected Poems» in the nomination «Philosophy of the Soul».

Alexandra Kryuchkova is interviewed by Evgeny Stepanov.

E.S.: Alexandra, first of all, please tell us a little about yourself…


E.S.: How do you come up with poems?


E.S.: Do you have any favorite poets?


E.S.: You write poems on different topics, but poems about love prevail. What does love mean to you?


E.S.: Should love be mutual?


E.S.: One of your recent books is «Playing Another Reality», a very mystical and esoteric one. Why did you name it that way?


E.S.: Alice walks barefoot on broken glass and hot coals, ends up in the Temple of the Soul, listens to the Music of the Spheres, and merges with Heavens. Is this book based on real events?


E.S.: Alice is a clairvoyant. Can you predict events?


E.S.:Despite possessing this gift, Alice is unhappy. Why?


E.S.: So is the future predetermined?


E.S.: One of the main characters is «The Man Who Was Not». You don’t even give him a name. Does he still exist in our earthly reality or not?


E.S.: The first edition of the book is illustrated with your paintings of the Girl with the Moon Cat. Were they painted after the book was written, as illustrations for the text?


E.S.: Did you study painting?


E.S.: Do you like Salvador Dali?


E.S.: Is «Playing Another Reality» just a story about the supernatural and our hidden capabilities or something more?


E.S.: In conclusion of the interview, what would you like to wish our readers?


Evgeny Viktorovich STEPANOV

President of the Union of Writers of the 21st Century,

poet, writer, PhD in Philology

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