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Without turning back to the view of the hills, the girl went to bed, but for a long time she could still hear the sad melody of the Scottish bagpipes, and she was unable to calm the feverish excitement that flooded her soul.

When Megan looked at the clock for the last time, it was already four in the morning. Falling into a restless sleep, she saw the highlander next to her bedside, whispering to her, “I’ve been waiting for you, Megan.” He kissed her tenderly and then disappeared, jumping outside, into the darkness.

She woke up late, a bit after 10 a.m. There was a fresh scent in the room – the smell of grass and nature.

“Nature! Grass!” Megan jumped up in bed, realizing that the window, through which the stranger disappeared in her dream, was wide open. The girl tried to recall closing it the night before but couldn’t; she’d been too excited.

“I simply forgot to close it yesterday,” she convinced herself to calm down. “It's just a coincidence. My nerves are frayed from stress. My God, what’s been happening to me these past few days? Complete madness!”

5. Scotch Whisky

When Megan descended the staircase, she saw that Warren and Gregor were already waiting for her in the hall.

“Good morning,” greeted the girl.

“Good morning,” the men said in unison.

“Have you had breakfast yet?” her cousin inquired.

“No, I was just about to have a cup of coffee now. I didn't think you'd be ready before the appointed time.”

“It’s all right, Megan, no need to rush. We’ve got plenty of time.”

She quickly went to the kitchen. In two minutes, she managed to drink coffee and eat a small piece of shortbread. Megan didn’t like being late and felt uncomfortable if she kept someone waiting. Punctuality and perfectionism were in her blood. Brushing the biscuit crumbs off her fingers, she hurried back to the hall.

After leaving the castle, they got into Warren’s car and Megan asked how far it was to the distillery.

“We’ll be there in ten minutes,” he replied.

“Warren, would you be able to take me to the family crypt afterwards? I’d like to pay my final respects to Grandfather, but I don’t dare go there alone. It’s a bit creepy.” She felt very awkward asking for anything after the unpleasant situation the day before, which she herself had created. But there was no choice; she had to establish a rapport between them.

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