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Shaving was stressful for me, I never shaved outside, I had a beard. And here, after each shave, there was terrible irritation, and there was very little time for shaving, and the quality was demanded.

I didn't keep a diary for the first 2 weeks, because I didn't understand what was going on there at all, we were always in a hurry and there was always not enough time.

Our daily routine was something like this:

6:00 a.m. rise

6:10 building for charging

6:40 the cleaning starts. Make the beds, wash the barracks, level all the beds by thread, wash yourself. 8 washbasins for 100 people.

7:00 building for breakfast

8:00 the beginning of classes (theory and sometimes practice. They learned the rules, went to the drill and a little bit of combat tactics).

13:00 lunch

14:00 classes. We learned a lot in the classroom. It was necessary to memorize the text verbatim. It was torture.

18:00 dinner

19:00 we are filing 1 and in general we are preparing for tomorrow.

20:30 news viewing

21:20 evening walk. They walk in the army in formation and sing songs.

21:40 evening verification 2

22:00 lights out

Meal. There was always enough food, except for dinner. The food was not greasy and half an hour after eating, you always wanted to eat no matter how much you ate. There was also little meat, only bones, as the cooks stole the meat, and their leadership too, and only bones reached the soldiers. For dinner, 100 grams of mashed potatoes and a piece of fish, 30 grams so. It's good that many people didn't like fish and gave away their piece.

Heming1 is to sew a piece of white cloth to your collar, in the morning its cleanliness and the quality of fastening are always checked, it is very important, although in fact it is nonsense.

What was it even invented for? In wartime, you usually don't have time to wash your face and you walk around dirty. Your collar becomes dirty and hard and begins to rub your neck, pimples, redness, discomfort appear. But in peacetime, when we wash 2 times a day, this is not necessary, but all the same, great attention is paid to this and the quality of the "filing" is always checked.

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