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A flash on the right means you need to fall to the left and cover your head. Air-lie down on the ground and shoot into the air. Gases-put on a gas mask. I didn't have time to put on a gas mask and they carried me in their arms, like dead.
Overall, the day went well.
December 19th.
We walked around the field in uniforms again and executed commands. I liked it today, and it's fun wearing gas masks too.
At the command "enemy on the right", everyone runs away, falls to the ground, pulls out machine guns and points in that direction. I even aimed every time imagining that there was an enemy there and slowly pulled the trigger on an exhale, as they taught in school in shooting classes. I like that, it's cool. In civilian life, you will need to do airsoft. Soon there will be a "march" and we will run in full combat gear for 5 km, follow all the commands that we taught. I look forward to.
20th of December.
The morning is normal. By the way, I shaved well. But no one checked. They also trained me to wear a UGC-a Combined-arms Protective Suit and a gas mask. Gloves and rubber boots, or rather they are called stockings. This is a chemical protection suit. My least favorite standard.
By the way, the guys are already buying food for their money, officers' dinners, some kind of goodies. And I'm saving, I don't want to get used to spending a lot of money. I will try to spend on the most necessary things, such as shaving foam, toilet paper and so on. By the way, our salary is about $2 per month. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken, it's only $2. There was also a sergeant's ass analysis in the team, which turned all the guys against themselves. There are guys from my city that I stick with and one funny guy that I've made friends with. His name is Volodya, he's fat. I want to train him and make him an athlete. Everyone doesn't like him, because he constantly says when he doesn't like something: "fuck you!" reminds me of my friend from the citizen. At the age of 18, he was the same.
We practiced together for the first time, maybe this day will change his future life.