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These scenarios ignore the fact that we are the ones who determine the future for now. To develop a deeper understanding of the potential and implications of AI, it is important to be guided by the principle of verum-factum – learning by doing.

To prevent the revolutionary potential of AI from being captured by a minority, the technology must be democratised. Equal access is key to sharing the benefits of technological progress widely and to making AI a unifying force, rather than one that exacerbates divisions in our fragile societies.

In the following chapters, we will talk about the ethical implications of immortality and how it affects society. We will also talk about the challenges and opportunities that await humanity at the beginning of a new era. As we continue to explore uncharted areas of the future and influence the destiny of humanity, our quest for knowledge and expansion continues.



The world changed in the year 2175. The advent of androids and the introduction of artificial intelligence into society has led to unprecedented advances in research and technology. The rebuilding of the International Space Station (ISS), a symbol of human co-operation and ingenuity, is one of the most important achievements during this time.

After years of neglect and destruction, the International Space Station requires repair and renovation. Given the importance of space exploration and the potential it can offer humanity in the future, a global effort has been made to restore and revitalise the ISS.

The recovery began with an assessment of the station's structural integrity and capabilities. Engineers and scientists from different countries worked together to come up with innovative ways to address the challenges posed by the aging infrastructure. Modern materials and the latest technologies were used to improve the station's durability and functionality.

Researchers are using the International Space Station to conduct experiments in microgravity and study the effects of long space travel on the human body. In addition, by improving astronauts' skills and testing new technologies needed for interplanetary missions, it provided astronauts with a foundation to train and prepare for upcoming missions to the universe.

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