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The dragon, who sat down under a pillar and began to write notes, glared at the strange girl with a yellow eye with an elongated black pupil, but, realizing that danger could hardly be expected from an unarmed girl, he continued to do his job.

– Levitation! – Alina commanded herself, repeating all Dan’s intonations and spreading her arms wide.

From the films, the girl remembered that the magician did exactly this when taking off. It didn’t work, so she jumped and repeated the spell before her feet could touch the ground. Managed!!! She felt that she had suddenly become weightless and could fly anywhere.

The dragon followed her beyond the fence with a look full of envy and, stopping writing, also began jumping up and down, repeating the word ’levitation’. Alas, what is given to people is not given to magical mammals, so he had no choice but to cling to the chain-link mesh with his claws and climb over the fence, as the orcs did.

While the clumsy, fat-assed dragon, holding a notebook in his teeth, climbed onto the field, a real battle unfolded there.

As soon as Alina reached the Hungarian Airlines airbus, around which Dan and a trio of orcs were almost playing tag, she quite accidentally released a real combat fireball towards the pursuers of the stranger magician.

The spell happened by itself: the girl just imagined how a small light flies out of her hand and grows to the size of ball lightning. And as soon as she uttered the word «fireball,» something lit up in her heart, hot lava flowed through the arteries to the palm of her right hand and, flying out into the air, turned into a half-meter ball.

Why did she decide to help this strange boy in a blue robe? Why is he good, but the orcs must run away with their backs scorched? If it weren’t for the memories of the moment of her departure from the banal world, the girl would not have paid any attention to this tall, strong guy in a blue robe and his problems. And since this was the only witness of her transition to the world of magicians, then he must be saved from the orcs, even if these monsters are «good» gentlemen. But what about who to interrogate if they kill the magician?

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