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Dolphins have a remarkable ability to echolocate. They emit high-pitched sounds that bounce off objects in their environment, allowing them to create a mental map of their surroundings.

Dolphins are social animals that live in pods of up to 100 individuals. They work together to hunt for food and protect themselves from predators.

Dolphins are apex predators that feed on a variety of fish, squid, and crustaceans. They use their sharp teeth to tear their prey apart.

Dolphins are playful animals that enjoy engaging in a variety of behaviors, including jumping, spinning, and tail-walking.

Dolphins have a long lifespan. Some species can live for up to 50 years in the wild.


mammals – млекопитающие

warm-blooded – теплокровные

give birth to live young – рождать детенышей

nurse – выкармливать

highly intelligent – высокоинтеллектуальные

complex social structure – сложная социальная структура

communicate – общаться

clicks – щелчки

whistles – свисты

body gestures – жесты

remarkable – замечательная

ability – способность

echolocate – эхолоцировать

emit – испускать

high-pitched sounds – высокочастотные звуки

bounce off objects – отражаться от объектов

create a mental map – создавать мысленную карту

surroundings – окружение

live in pods – жить в стаях

predators – хищники

apex – высшие

squid – кальмары

crustaceans – ракообразные

to tear their prey apart – разрывать добычу на части

spinning – вращение

lifespan – продолжительность жизни

species – виды


Vampires are mythical creatures that have been featured in folklore and popular culture for centuries. They are typically depicted as undead beings that feed on the blood of the living.

The word "vampire" comes from the Serbian word "vampir", which means "bloodsucker".

Vampires are often associated with bats, and some cultures believe that vampires can transform into bats.

In some cultures, vampires are said to be repelled by garlic, sunlight, and running water.

The most famous vampire in literature is Count Dracula, created by Bram Stoker in his 1897 novel Dracula.

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