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– Don't get attached! The widow is a person too, deserving of tenderness; how she treats us, listen.

The driver, glancing angrily, which was not visible in the darkness, obediently went to the widow, while Aman-Jalil blew out the candles and for an hour warmed Gulshan's chilled body.

– What beauty, – Aman-Jalil rejoiced, – does this pathetic vilayat deserve such a beauty? I won't leave here!

Sensing it was time to leave, he kissed her soft lips once more, hungrily and for a long time, and suddenly felt a reciprocal kiss. Aman-Jalil, holding his breath, dressed in the dark and, quietly whistling to the driver, left the house for the courtyard. The large southern stars winked playfully at him; at first, the moon was not visible, but then it crawled out of the clouds, illuminating the path to the car. Dressing on the go, the driver rushed out of the house, then dove back in to emerge with the camera and flash in hand, silently hiding everything in the car, avoiding looking at Aman-Jalil, angry with him, and sitting behind the wheel, almost silently leaving the village.

"I realized in the dark that it was him. Only his thin but hot lips could have been, only he could have bitten as if he wanted to suck out his soul. He sucked it out, damn it; it hurts in the lower abdomen, I'll never know the very first feeling of intimacy. What will happen next, I don't know, maybe nothing, maybe a new life, not only for me but also for me. Poisoned, damned, "tea from the country of Ind," from the country of devas, faster… What will I tell my mother?… But nothing, swearing won't fix anything, there's no Gulshan and there never will be… But he'll be back! His eyes are so firmly attached that he won't be able to live far from me for long… So I won't tell my mother anything, I'll wait, what else is left, not to hang myself, not to be the first, not to be the last, if my father was alive, but without a protector… Yes, and where did Sardar Kareem go?… Ah… he also drank this damned tea, lying somewhere without memory… I need to sleep. In the morning, I'll decide: how to be, it wouldn't hurt to consult with my mother, but… Sleep!.. Sleep… "

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