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– Hello, father!

– Has something happened?

Aman-Jalil laid photocopies of documents on the table.

– Uncle, you know how much I love you! For you, I committed an official crime. Here are the documents: the narcotics confiscation protocol from Jumshid's base first warehouse, the foreign currency confiscation protocol from his desk, the currency confiscation protocol from his home, Jumshid's interrogation protocol. They'll be coming for you in an hour; the arrest warrant is signed. I don't want you to stand trial, to be labeled a criminal, but the facts are against us. Jumshid claimed you didn't provide him with cars, but you gave them for this cargo… You're a brave and decisive man, uncle, you know what happens in such cases…

Gyaurov carefully examined the documents.

– Do you believe this? Can you believe it?

– I don't believe it, but it won't be me judging you, it'll be your sworn enemy Kochev. He's not to be trusted. There are witnesses too: the drivers, they'll say whatever Kochev tells them to say.

– Will Jumshid be shot?

– Along with you, yes! It'll be easier for me to save his life without you.

– Do you think he's guilty?

– I'm a hundred percent sure he knew nothing. A scatterbrain, he trusted everyone, needed or not. The warehouse manager disappeared, they're searching for him and will find him.

Aman-Jalil himself helped bury the warehouse manager's body in the olive grove, after shooting him in the back of the head.

Gyaurov stared into Aman-Jalil's eyes intently, but other than love and loyalty, he found nothing.

– Take the photocopies, you've risked a lot, thank you. I rely on you to save Jumshid's life and expose this lie and slander.

– I promise you, uncle. I'll put my life on it, and I'll find that scoundrel and make him pay.

Aman-Jalil tucked the photocopies of the documents into his pocket. Gyaurov hugged his nephew, and they kissed three times.

– Live long, – Gyaurov whispered and crossed Aman-Jalil as he left.

As Aman-Jalil approached the exit, a soft gunshot rang out from the office. No one noticed Aman-Jalil; the guard had summoned Aman-Jalil's assistant, and there were forty minutes until work began…

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