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– Why did you get rid of the helpers?

– One of them looked into Sardar’s papers, understood everything, he wasn’t a fool. Together with him, we had to remove three more.

– Not two? We only found two with him.

– The pilot of Ahmed’s private jet as well.

– Why him?

– We flew there as three, I flew back alone… He would have figured everything out as soon as he read the newspaper, we have universal literacy.

Arif looked intently at Aman-Jalil.

– Are we being listened to?

– No, boss, I removed all the recording equipment myself, expecting this conversation.

– Then listen carefully, your answer depends on my decision: did you destroy those papers?

– Am I crazy?

– Does Ahmed know about them?

– No!

Arif smiled for the first time.

– I wasn't wrong about you. Keep them ready, when I'm leaving, bring them to the train. You can tell Ahmed that you convinced me of his loyalty to Iosif Besarionis, dispelled all doubts, destroyed all slander and libel.

– Ahmed will be pleased!

– I think so!… Listen, how do you feel about Iosif Besarionis? Many people don't like him.

– The word of the leader is my law! His smile is a reward! If he says: "Kill your brother!" – I'll kill him.

– Well said! The words of a man… Soon, we'll test you: words are not deeds, and we need men of action… You've given me an idea… Though, it's not for you to know…

…When a month later Aman-Jalil reads in the newspaper a brief notice that the former ambassador of the country in the French capital, a traitor who refused to return home, was sentenced to death and committed suicide by jumping out of the window of his house, he will remember Arif's words…

Aman-Jalil carefully caught every look from Arif, but he leaned back in his chair tiredly.

– We're done for today. Send me those two little ones and… the rest.

Aman-Jalil went to carry out the high guest's order but was stopped at the door.

– Wait!… Take the photographs you left in the room.

Aman-Jalil returned. Arif handed him the photos, but as soon as Aman-Jalil reached for them, Arif held onto them and, looking him in the eyes, said:

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