Читать книгу Эффективность гражданского и арбитражного судопроизводства онлайн
Сергей Курочкин
Эффективность гражданского и арбитражного судопроизводства
Афанасьев Сергей Федорович – доктор юридических наук, профессор;
Решетникова Ирина Валентиновна – доктор юридических наук, профессор, заслуженный юрист Российской Федерации
© Курочкин С.А., 2024
© ИД «Городец» – оригинал-макет (верстка, корректура, редактура, дизайн), полиграфическое исполнение, 2024
Sergey A. Kurochkin
Efficiency of Civil and Commercial Litigation
The effectiveness of judicial protection of rights, freedoms and legitimate interests remains one of the urgent problems of modern jurisprudence. The book presents the results of a comprehensive study of the efficiency of civil and commercial litigation based on classical methods of legal science, modern methods of sociology of law, a systematic approach and economic analysis of law. Both doctrinal and practical aspects of the effectiveness of civil justice, civil and commercial (arbitrazh) procedural law, as well as an access to justice realization, the efficiency of civil cases resolution by courts of general jurisdiction and commercial courts, the efficiency of a court judgment and its verification by higher instances are considered. The analysis made it possible to assess the efficiency of Russian civil and commercial litigation, to identify factors and conditions that determine the efficiency of legal process, and propose measures to ensure it. Special attention is paid to the problems of digital technologies integration (primarily Artificial Intelligence), into civil and commercial litigation.
The book is addressed to legal scholars, researchers and practitioners, university students and postgraduates, as well as anyone interested in the efficiency of judicial protection of rights and legitimate interests.
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