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They were coming out over and over again,

It felt infinite and then stopped: why am I doing this to myself?

Why do I constantly torture myself going down to the hell

Which I created? Will it ever end?

Sometimes we become addicted to our pain.

And when it goes away, we choose to put ourselves on the same road.

Even if it hurts deeply, subconsciously we like it but never admit.

We got used to living like this and when the slightest thing changes,

When we see the light, we don’t believe and we’re afraid.

We’re frightened of being happy and loving.

But what about my hell? Does it disappear? Never.

I feel these demons every day and almost every second.

They whisper, sometimes they scream.

They tell me that I’m not the person I’m trying to be,

They tell me I’m a hypocrite who hides their true self.

Will they ever leave? No.

So, what am I supposed to do?

Live and embrace my demons but not follow them

Because the choice is always mine.

I control, I choose the other side.

My genes don’t have a right to rule my life, I won’t let them.

My freedom is in love and forgiveness,

Being honest with myself is the main priority.


Some time ago, when I thought about my past,

It went through me like it’s happening right now,

It hurt and I lived in it.

But what’s the point?

Spending your life on something that was far away,

Repeating particular moments in your head,

Missing the ones who decided to leave you.

My time is precious, my happiness is in my hands,

I don’t wanna waste it anymore.

Now it feels like I’m in the water

And it brings me slowly to the place I need.

It flows and I’m calm because I trust it.

For the first time in my life, I don’t want to control anything.

Just be as it is because if something is yours,

It will be yours and find a way to you no matter what.


You have to be as much a dreamer as me

To understand the world I see.


It’s never too late to love again,

To feel the way, you always wanted to feel.

It’s never too late to open your heart,

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