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“Eric, when will you start buying your own?” I asked, reaching into my pocket for a pack. Eric grinned widely and shrugged.

“When they get cheaper. Which means never,” he replied with a smirk and took a deep breath. “I quit!”

“Well done!” I rejoiced, patting my friend approvingly on the shoulder.

“I’m gonna go check on Betty…” Eric announced suddenly.


“Yeah, I want her to be happy for me too,” Eric chuckled and headed towards the university office.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one having a good day. I smiled and headed back to the campus. I needed to draft an article for “The Guardian” and I thought I’d do that during the remaining classes.

Then I noticed Sabrina. She was telling Claire something enthusiastically, with Claire widening her eyes and gasping in surprise. They were probably discussing something extremely important and terribly girlish.

I felt my cellphone vibrating in my pocket.

“We’re waiting for you at our place. 6 PM. DON’T BE LATE!"

My mood took a deep plunge. Mom was commanding me to come for dinner…

With a heavy heart, brooding, I headed towards the parking lot. Then I stopped.

“Sabrina! What’s wrong?” Claire’s cry brought me back to reality. Hearing her familiar voice, I instinctively turned and looked in their direction. And then I saw Sabrina crouch down, clutching her stomach. Her face was unrecognizable. She shut her eyes, breathing rapidly, apparently trying to overcome a sharp pain. I was at Claire’s side in an instant. She was confused and horrified by the sudden development.

“What’s wrong with her, Jack?” Claire asked, genuinely concerned.

“I don’t know,” I mumbled.

She was absolutely fine not more than half an hour ago in our history class.

There were no signs of illness or discomfort.

“Expired yogurt,” Sabrina mumbled.

“What?” Claire and I asked simultaneously, each making our own assumptions.

“The yogurt I had for breakfast was probably expired,” Sabrina muttered, looking off into the distance.

“Maybe you should go home? Or better yet, straight to the hospital!” Claire suggested, still frightened.

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