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The next day Christopher and I presented ourselves at the venue, properly dressed and groomed. Since it was a black tie event, I chose my deep double-breasting Tom Ford tuxedo with wide lapels and a custom-made white dress shirt from Charvet. The latter was a luxury investment in a masterpiece of shirt making which the likes of Sir Winston Churchill and His Majesty Napoleone Bonaparte had appreciated long before me. I was pleased to see that Christopher looked dashing like a movie star in his tux from Henry Poole & Co. that slimmed his torso and broaden his shoulders.

Just as we were about to compliment each other on our sartorial choices, Natasha showed up in a spectacular black maxi dress with open back detail and asymmetric neck cut. I could not tell the brand of the dress, and it did not really matter. She was gorgeous and her beautiful diamond chandelier earrings added a sparkling detail to her striking look.

“Glad you both could make it,” she said after she did her compulsory red carpet photo session and pecked us on the cheeks. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

“May we just take a moment and pay you a compliment before we start networking?” I said, kissing her hand. “You look amazing.” I looked at Christpher. “Doesn’t she?”

“Absolutely,” he said and took his turn to kiss Natasha’s hand.

“Thank you,” she said and looked at someone behind us. “Oh, that’s the gentleman I’d like you both to meet.”

We turned.

“He’s a billionaire from the States who moved to the City a few months ago,” Natasha explained. “His names is –”

“Jared Shannon,” I finished.

“You know him then,” Natasha could not hide her disappointment in the fact that I had just ruined her surprise and pursed her lips.

“How do you know him?” I asked, watching Jared waving to Natasha, and beelining towards us.

“Oh, we met at a thing a few weeks ago. You know, I must meet this kind of people to … Oh, hello Jared.” She opened her arms for a hug and greeted the man in a fine tuxedo who I’d been hoping to become my way out of the approaching financial abyss. The fact that they were already on a first-name basis felt a tad unsettling.

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