Читать книгу Искусственный интеллект в психиатрии: достижения, перспективы, проблемы онлайн
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Богданов Ярослав Вячеславович – e-mail: yarik@yabogdanov.ru; https://orcid.org/0009-0002-3880-7152
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Artificial intelligence in psychiatry: achievements, expectations, prospects, problems
Bogdanov Ya.V.
GBUZ Kuzbass Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Kemerovo, Russia
Mental disorders are a complex health problem that requires significant resources and highly qualified specialists. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers innovative solutions to transform psychiatric care, encompassing prevention, diagnosis, therapy and research. Currently, AI algorithms demonstrate high accuracy in the diagnosis of various disorders, including schizophrenia, depression and autism, using data from electronic medical records, neuroimaging and "digital phenotypes". AI helps predict the course of diseases, the response to treatment, and risks such as suicide or aggressive behavior. Virtual assistants, chatbots and virtual reality technologies support patients by providing psychoeducation, cognitive behavioral therapy and condition monitoring. AI automates systematic literature reviews, analyzes large amounts of data, and builds clinical and psychological models, for example, for the treatment of addictive disorders. AI helps doctors in obtaining information, preparing for exams and making recommendations for patients. Promising technologies: psychovisualization (combining neuroimaging, biometric data and AI to visualize thoughts, perceptions and emotions). There are a number of problems with the introduction of AI into psychiatry: lack of high-quality data, opacity of AI models, difficulties of validation and regulation, lack of knowledge about AI among clinicians, the need to change workflows, risks of error automation, questions about data confidentiality, responsibility for decisions, algorithm bias, balance between efficiency and safety. Interdisciplinary cooperation, increasing confidence in AI systems through understanding the logic of decision-making, and training specialists to work with new technologies will become ways to overcome problems. AI has great potential to transform psychiatric care, but it requires a responsible approach and solutions to existing problems.