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We use this room for meetings.

I bought flowers for her birthday.

Придаточные предложения противопоставления – Concessive Clauses.

although, though, even though, while, whereas, however, but, despite the fact that, in spite of the fact that


He continued to work although he was tired.

Although he is very young, he has achieved a lot.

Though it was late, they did not go to bed.

Though it was snowing, they went outside.

even though

Even though it was raining, they went for a walk.

Even though she was nervous, she gave a great presentation.

They decided to stay inside even though the weather was nice.


While she enjoys cooking, she hates cleaning up.

While he is very intelligent, he often makes careless mistakes.

She loves reading while he prefers watching TV.


Whereas he likes coffee, she prefers tea.

Whereas cats are independent, dogs need more attention.

John is very outgoing, whereas his brother is quite reserved.


He is very active; however, his brother is quite lazy.

She wanted to go out; however, it was raining.

She was very tired; however, she continued working.

The task was difficult; however, he managed to complete it on time.


She is friendly, but her sister is very shy.

He wanted to go to the party, but he was too tired.

I wanted to go to the concert, but the tickets were sold out.

She is very talented, but she lacks confidence.

despite the fact thatin spite of the fact that

Despite the fact that he was tired, he went to the gym.

Despite the fact that he didn't study, he passed the exam.

Despite the fact that she was busy, she helped me with my project.

In spite of the fact that it was raining, they had a picnic.

In spite of the fact that it was cold, they went swimming.

They finished the race in spite of the fact that they were exhausted.

Глава 4. Причастие и причастные обороты.


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