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That night, the moon and the stars refused to show up. That night, Damayanti wandered through the gardens, fields, orchids, and streets, adorned with a blissful smile, blushing and radiating with a captivating glow. Her beauty illuminated the dark sky, spreading its radiance as far as the eye could see. Occasionally, a falling star would greet the enamored princess. Perhaps Mother Nature was indulging herself in the celebrations.

Nal & Damayanti continued to live their lives with renewed excitement, always attentive to the signs of auspicious omens.

Trial Of the Champions

Earth's most beautiful woman had surrendered her innermost soul to her love for her king. Damayanti yearned for love through countless cycles of days and nights, succumbing to sighs of despair. Wrapped in misery and solitude, she withdrew from her friends and maids, forsaking the luxuries and necessities of life. Every waking moment was spent gazing towards the northern skies, even in the darkness that obscured her vision. And as she slipped into a shallow slumber, her closed eyelids concealed eyes that were fixated on the northern star.

Her maidens and friends grew increasingly worried and felt helpless, unable to bear witness to their princess's suffering. The news of Damayanti's distress eventually reached the royal corridors of her father, the aging Southern King. Consumed by concern for his beloved daughter, the king sought advice from his counsel, ministers, sages, and saints.

"My dear girl will soon come of age, yet her distress lingers. What can bring her solace?" – the noble king inquired, his heart weighed down by worry.

After careful deliberation, the wise counsel presented a solution born out of their understanding of Damayanti's longings. "Your daughter is a paragon of virtue, and she yearns for a worthy companion, her true king. She’s a girl and would be a Woman soon. We suggest hosting a Swayamvara4 , a grand tournament where eligible kings from all corners of the earth will compete for the highest reward this universe could offer – Damyanti’s companionship. Princess Damayanti will be the supreme judge of her suitors, and it will be only her decision to choose her champion. She will decide the feats and she will set up the charts. The Princess shall become Queen to the only King that she desires" they proposed, their voices brimming with confidence.

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