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How is rangSutra structured at present?

The enterprise’s structure can be visualized as a wheel, where the spokes are arrayed around a central hub. The village craft centers (rangSutra Kala Kendra) represent the “spokes,” while the district headquarters are the “hub” center. One or two managers, and at times more, oversee and supervise the work of around 15–20 artisans. Managers are present in every village center. These managers, both women and men, are artisans themselves with at least a high school education and, importantly, leadership skills. They assist other artisans, elevating the centers themselves to a higher level.

Originally, the craft centers were just set up in someone’s backyard, but gradually, they were moved to specialized production sites constructed by local government bodies. Among our artisans, there are many young people, particularly women. Initially, some women were reluctant to join us, and often their husbands and parents did not permit them to work outside their homes. However, there were always bold trailblazers and soon the others followed.

People turn to us because, regrettably, in the areas where they live, there are not many options of non-farm work in the areas we work in. Partnering with us provides them with a job they enjoy and comfortable work conditions.

What occupation does a rangSutra artisan undertake, and what is the average income?

RangSutra employs 110 full-time employees and 2,500 artisans. The remaining 500 are still in the cluster development phase and get intermittent work. The average part-time income for a 4-hour workday, 5 days a week, is about 6,000 rupees per month. A full-time artisan, working 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, can earn up to 16,000 rupees.

Full-time staff primarily engage in handloom weaving, while part-timers do hand embroidery. Weaving is complex: before sitting at the loom, one must perform preparatory tasks such as winding yarn onto a spool, dyeing it, preparing the base, and securely attaching the base to the loom. Attention to detail is crucial to ensure the fabric on the loom is uniform and the patterns conform to the design.

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