Читать книгу Позитивные изменения. Том 4, №1 (2024). Positive changes. Volume 4, Issue 1 (2024) онлайн

This is particularly true for projects that involve activating people’s own potential, such as in territorial development. In such cases, planning can seem daunting – as we don't know in advance whether leaders will emerge or if people will heed the call to change. Yet, even under these circumstances, there is a role for technology, and a substantial body of successful experiences in “inspiring” the transfer of knowledge and development practices, not just between regions but across countries.

The spring edition of Positive Changes Journal is dedicated to analyzing the complex, multifaceted, and intriguing experiences gathered from implementing and evaluating territorial development programs. This issue also addresses another pressing item on the agenda: the sustainability reporting standard being developed in Russia. We will examine what the standard includes and what aspects need further refinement. Additionally, we will explore what constitutes a friendly city, how the index of cities’ communication solvency is calculated, what factors contribute to corporate well-being in NGOs, and the principles of the positive development concept for youth. Our guest for this issue is a unique entrepreneur from India, Sumita Ghose, who has developed a model of territorial development that has created jobs for more than 3,000 people.

All of this, traditionally, is aimed at fostering even more of these good “seeds” to sprout in a space filled with inspiration, knowledge, and belief in positive changes.

Гость номера / Special Guest

Симфония трех тысяч голосов. Интервью с Сумитой Гхош, основательницей социального предприятия rangSutra

Наталья Гладких

DOI 10.55140/2782-5817-2024-4-1-4-9

«Люди импакта» – так называется рубрика, в которой мы публикуем вдохновляющие истории о людях, которые смогли достичь значимых изменений в жизни сообществ, регионов и даже стран. В этом выпуске мы хотим познакомить вас с Сумитой Гхош – женщиной-предпринимателем из Индии, чей социальный бизнес объединяет ремесленников-инвесторов и сотрудничает с крупнейшими мировыми корпорациями. За свою деятельность Сумита отмечена высшей наградой, вручаемой президентом Индии за вклад в работу над расширением прав и возможностей женщин.

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