Читать книгу Позитивные изменения. Том 4, №1 (2024). Positive changes. Volume 4, Issue 1 (2024) онлайн

Ухоженный, чистый, безопасный, зеленый город… Здесь комфортно людям разного возраста, развито добрососедство, а домашние и даже бездомные животные чувствуют себя хорошо. В таком городе есть место творчеству, эксперименту и юмору. Локальный продюсер помогает авторам социальных инициатив воплотить свои идеи, а форсайт-модераторы и медиаторы спроектировать будущее территорий и услышать друг друга. Доступная среда создана для людей с любыми особенностями здоровья. А благодаря теории изменений авторы социальных проектов умеют планировать и оценивать импакт. Именно таким видят развитие городов и сообществ участники конференции. А каким его видите вы?

How Kind Is My City? Report from the “City and Community Development” Conference

Yulia Vyatkina

DOI 10.55140/2782-5817-2024-4-1-26-33

How the dynamics of engaging with local communities are evolving, what lies ahead for them in the near and distant future, how collaborative initiatives between businesses and NGOs assist residents in fostering their localities, and what factors enhance the social efficacy of such endeavors – these were among the topics discussed by urban planners, NGOs, futurists, and business delegates at the City and Community Development practical conference held in Moscow in February 2024. Here, we explore the core insights regarding potential territorial development scenarios as perceived by experts.

Yulia Vyatkina

Editor, Positive Changes Journal


In 2023, the Commonwealth of Kind Cities, comprising over 220 territories, teamed up with the Civil Engineering Laboratory to conduct a survey among citizens and tourists across various Russian cities, aiming to address the question: What truly defines a city’s kindness in their eyes? The outcome of this research led to the formulation of a methodology[34] grounded in the genuine needs and perceptions of city dwellers and visitors alike.

“We didn’t have any expectations about what people might reveal, something beyond our knowledge. Rather, we were interested in noticing the recurring themes. We conducted focus group research in Penza, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, St. Petersburg, and other locations. Our guide encompassed 40 questions. Drawing from the responses, we devised the methodology “How Kind Is My City/Town to Its Residents and Visitors.” We analyzed the feedback through the lens of what NGOs could feasibly undertake. This methodology serves as a sort of checklist[35] for evaluating one’s city. Moreover, it is a catalyst to engage with partners and citizens during the project conceptualization phase, shedding light on areas where improvements are still needed within their communities,” says Daria Buyanova, Marketing Director of the Kind City St. Petersburg Charitable Foundation.

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