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Escort For The Witch
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In the eccentric city of New Orleans, Louisiana, Jack Cornell, an ordinary student, finds himself thrust into a realm of enchantment and enigma. He is assigned the important task of safeguarding a young witch who happens to be the sister of his closest friend. However, their tumultuous history of bickering since childhood complicates matters. To add to the complexity, the witch, Sabrina, is unaware of her supernatural powers. Jack must guide her in unlocking and embracing her magical abilities, while also revealing the secrets of her true, otherworldly lineage. With the girl being pursued by unknown adversaries, Jack and Sabrina must set aside their past grievances and unite their magical talents to face a formidable foe. With the help of their eclectic group of friends, they embark on a journey filled with peril and intrigue. Can Jack and Sabrina navigate the treacherous obstacles presented by the mystical world and emerge victorious? Only time will tell...

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