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I exchanged another look with Elcha. Frightened already, both of us.

“Ricka, from now on you are working within the valley only. No single step beyond. Got it?” Nargara raised an eyebrow impatiently.

I was so shocked with the news I could only nod my head fervently, “Gotcha.”

“Elcha, and you too! Pick herbs only on the inner slopes.” Elcha followed me nodding.

“Good, then. And another. You remember the ban on any magic, right?”

We nodded again, as if one.

“Perfect,” she lowered her voice and went on, “and please take that seriously. I don’t want any of our customers to learn that the Karun witch’s daughters are firesses. That would bring about too many questions. We don’t want our reputation stained.”

“Nor do we want it fried,” Elcha giggled.

I could barely strangle a laugh.

“Hey, girls, I need two sacks of Talker flowers today. The guards got a couple robbers, now want to make them sing, so they ordered a couple elixirs. Go get some on the east slope in the afternoon. Together. And once again – don’t even think of going beyond the valley! I mean it.”

“You mean it,” we echoed.

Then Nargara charged Elcha with a few more tasks, after which we quickly finished our breakfast and ran, each of us about her own business.

The morning time flew as we were up to the ears in fuss. I ran to Kold’s bakery taking him the booster for sourdough. It made yeasted dough rise instantly, while the baking turned out just great. Kold, as usual, stuffed my bag with a whole bunch of rolls and cinnamon buns saying I had to eat more given my kind of work. I was too thin, he added – all skin and bones. As for him, he definitely never limited himself with his own product, which you could easily see from his fat cheeks and a stout build.

After that, I went to the Meekle brothers’ brewery taking a similar booster for beer, where

they treated me to a bottle of delicious lemonade they were selling in their shop along with beer. Then I delivered all the four efils and headed home.

Elcha was sitting on the porch waiting for me.

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