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“Ready? Got the bags?” I asked.

“Yes, here,” she waved two gray rags. “And I also took some meat pie.”

“And I got lemonade and fresh buns,” I bragged pointing at my bag.

“Well, then we don’t have to hurry back home, could stay till sunset,” she hit me cheerfully with her idea, which I accepted with a nod, and there we went.

Walking a little through the city’s snaking streets, and passing through the square and the market, we approached the eastern gate and moved along a dirty road heading out of the place. After a while, we turned to a familiar path, which ran up into the mountains.

I had to walk alongside with Elcha, which was very tiresome as I was used to moving fast, so now the habit backfired. It felt like we were crawling like a couple of old turtles and the entire thing was nothing but a waste of time. Patience was definitely not my strong point.

Elcha could notice my irritation immediately, so she tried to distract me with a talk. And she succeeded after a while, to be honest. She was really fond of chatting, and loved asking hundreds of questions even more. Just asking, I mean, never waiting for all the answers to come. And that day my sister was asking me about my training with Yoos. “Well, tell me, how you are doing there. Using the blades yet?” she chattered. “I’m dying to know! He must have shown you lots of his best tricks.”

“Well, not actually… To be honest, it’s all much more complicated than I expected…” I said and frowned a little as I began to tell her about the latest training session.

The conversation made the rest of the way not so long, so it seemed quite soon that we came out to the stony slope where we usually collected little grass called Pyris. People, though, nicknamed it Talker.

“Hey, you don’t have to worry. You are just starting it. You always manage to get everything right, I know you. And this will be no exception,” my sister tried to reassure me. And yes, I have to admit I was really disappointed with my military failures. Not that I expected much success right away, but waving the whip all day to never hit the aim… That was way too bad for me.

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