Читать книгу Разговорный английский по уровням. Уровень В1 онлайн

Look at those dark clouds. It will probably rain soon.

Don't worry, I'm sure he will arrive on time for the meeting.

She will probably call you back later today.

I'm not sure where we'll go for vacation, but it will be somewhere warm.

обещания, предложения, прошения и выражения воли сделать что-то в будущем

A. Обещания:

I will always support you, no matter what.

He will never let you down; you can trust him.

We will do everything in our power to help those in need.

B. Предложения:

Will you pass me the menu, please?

I'm not feeling well; will you take my shift at work tomorrow?

Will you marry me?

C. Просьба или предложение о помощи:

If you need any assistance, I will be happy to help.

I can't carry all these bags; will you give me a hand?

D. Согласие на предложение:

– It's getting late; shall we leave now?

– Sure, I will grab my coat.

E. Выражение воли сделать что-то в будущем:

I'm tired of this; I will quit my job and start something new.

She will visit her parents over the holidays.

Показатель будущего времени To be going to.

To be going to + глагол


I am going to start a new project.

They are going to start a business together.

Are you going to attend the conference?


They are going to travel around Europe next year.

We are going to buy a new car next month.

He is going to run a marathon next year.

предрешенности, основанной на текущих обстоятельствах

Look at those dark clouds. It's going to rain.

The traffic is terrible. I'm going to be late for the meeting.

The company is losing money. They are going to make some changes in their strategy.

Показатель будущего времени – Настоящее продолженное время.

Настоящее продолженное время – Present Continuous Tense

We are meeting friends for dinner tonight.

She is flying to London tomorrow.

We are attending a concert this weekend.

They are taking a yoga class in the afternoon.

I am seeing the doctor tomorrow for a check-up.

Показатель будущего времени – Настоящее неопределенное время.

Настоящее неопределенное время – Present Simple Tense

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