Читать книгу Разговорный английский по уровням. Уровень В1 онлайн

подлежащее + нужная форма глагола to have с частицей not + been + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

She has not been working hard lately.

They have not been taking care of the garden, and it's in a terrible state.

He has not been keeping his promises, and it's affecting our trust.

The team has not been performing well in recent matches.

They have not been saving money for their future.

nothavehashaven’t, hasn’t

She hasn't been taking care of her health, and now she's facing the consequences.

We haven't been saving energy, and our utility bills have skyrocketed.

The software hasn't been functioning properly, causing delays in our work.

My friend hasn't been returning my calls, and I'm getting worried.

вопросительное слово, если необходимо + нужная форма глагола to have + подлежащее + been + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

Have you been studying English for a long time?

Has she been working on this project since last month?

Have they been living in the same city all their lives?

Has he been playing the guitar for years?

How long have you been waiting for the bus?

What have you been doing for the past few hours?

What have you been thinking about lately?

Прошедшее совершенное продолженное время – Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

forall morning, five years,beforesincesincehow longuntil/tillall morning, all day, all night longby

подлежащее + had + been + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

I had been studying English for three years before I moved to the United States.

She had been working at the company for over a decade when she decided to retire.

By the time they arrived, we had been waiting for two hours.

The children had been playing in the garden all morning when it started raining.

We had been living in the same neighborhood for ten years before we decided to move.

подлежащее + had с частицей not + been + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

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