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подлежащее + нужная форма глагола to be + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

I am writing a letter.

She is studying for her exams.

They are playing football in the park.



подлежащее + нужная форма глагола to be с частицей not + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

I’m not eating dinner right now.

She is not studying for her exams at the moment.


The children aren’t playing in the backyard.

It isn’t raining right now.

вопросительное слово, если необходимо + нужная форма глагола to be + подлежащее + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

Are you studying for the exam?

Is she working on a project?

Are they eating dinner?

Am I typing the document?

Is he watching TV?

What are you doing?

Where is she going?

Why are they studying so late?

How is he managing the project?

Who is writing the report?

Прошедшее продолженное временя – Past Continuous Tense.

Past Continuous Tense

at 6 o’clock yesterdayat that momentat that timeall day longall the timethe whole dayfrom 10 till 12during

подлежащее + нужная форма глагола to be + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

I was studying all night for the exam.

She was working on her project for weeks.

They were playing football in the park.

We were traveling around Europe last summer.

He was cooking dinner when I arrived.

The team was practicing hard for the upcoming competition.

The sun was setting as they walked along the beach.

The children were playing in the backyard for hours.

подлежащее + нужная форма глагола to be с частицей not + смысловой глагол с окончанием -ing + второстепенные члены предложения

She was not studying for the exam.

They were not playing football yesterday.

I was not working on the project at that time.

He wasn't listening to music during the meeting.

We weren’t traveling abroad last summer.

The children weren’t playing outside when it started raining.

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