Читать книгу Разговорный английский по уровням. Уровень В1 онлайн

Where is the nearest supermarket?

Why are they so happy?

Who is your best friend?

Простое настоящее время – Present Simple Tense – с глаголами отличными от глагола to be.

подлежащее + смысловой глагол + второстепенные члены предложения

he, she, it-s-es

The sun rises in the east.

I enjoy listening to music.

She works in an office.

They play soccer every weekend.

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

We usually have dinner at 7 p.m.

Dogs bark when they see strangers.

The Earth revolves around the sun.

I read books for pleasure.

The train arrives at 3:30 p.m.

подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол do или does с частицей not + смысловой глагол + второстепенные члены предложения

I do not like coffee.

She does not play the piano.

They do not live in New York.

He does not speak Spanish.

We do not have a car.

It does not rain in the desert.

She does not understand the question.

They do not work on weekends.

I do not watch horror movies.

He does not eat meat.

notdodoesdon’t, doesn’t

I don't like coffee.

He doesn't understand Spanish.

We don't have time to go shopping.

She doesn't enjoy watching horror movies.

They don't live in the city.

вопросительное слово, если необходимо + вспомогательный глагол do или does + подлежащее + смысловой глагол + второстепенные члены предложения

Does she like chocolate?

Do they play tennis on weekends?

Do you enjoy reading books?

Does he work in the city?

Do you have a pet at home?

Do the children play in the park?

Does the train arrive on time?

Простое прошедшее время – Past Simple Tense.

Past Simple Tense

yesterdaythe day before yesterdaylast weeklast month/yearlast timetwo days/years agoin 1993

Простое прошедшее время – Past Simple Tense – с глаголом to be.

подлежащее + нужная форма глагола to be + второстепенные члены предложения

I was at home yesterday.

She was happy about the news.

We were friends in high school.

The weather was sunny last weekend.

It was a great movie.

They were at the party until midnight.

He was a talented musician.

My parents were in London last year.

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