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It all started with the fact that my cousin Mikael, to make him feel empty, made things worse again, and in the end we both suffered. My uncle called us for a conversation, and I had to listen to his lectures. Then endure a difficult conversation about how it’s time for the two of us to settle down and not disgrace the glorious Derberg family with our adventures. Although I still don’t understand, what does this have to do with me? And at the very end, my uncle set a condition for us that he would review the order of succession to the throne, in favor of the one of us who would be the first to find a bride. Yes, not just any, but a true couple, as befits a dragon of the ruling family.

This condition greatly complicated the task, but gave me an advantage as the second heir. But Mikael, who was already asleep and saw himself as the ruler of the Onyx Rocks, on the contrary, was seriously worried. He was no longer the first crown prince, just as I was no longer the second. From now on, we are on equal terms, which makes Mika hate me even more. But I didn't care about my cousin's feelings. I just punched him in the face and broke his nose, no matter what the guys said. Did I need at least some kind of compensation for all the shame that I experienced through his fault, listening to my uncle’s reprimands?

Ignoring Mika's threats and scolding, I left. And yet one phrase of his caught my attention and made me think. Mikael swore that he would do everything to ensure that I would never be able to find a bride in my life. Neither true nor any other.

What could this mean?

Yes, anything when it came to Mikael Derberg. To the point that this idiot will decide to deprive everyone of honor who agrees to give me their hand and heart.

The cousin was two years older. Handsome, smart. He graduated from the academy with honors and became an excellent naturalist, as befits the first heir. But much better than studying, Mika knew how to lie and pretend. And also – to humiliate people and mock the weak and those who could not fight back. This was at the top of his list of entertainments. He even indulged in gambling with less enthusiasm.

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