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For a long time I myself did not believe the rumors that occasionally reached me, believing that someone wanted to denigrate the future ruler, until I witnessed how my cousin was having fun in person. And most importantly, he got away with everything! Well, Mika knew how to solve problems. And he chose his victims carefully, taking care of his own reputation. Those who will be easy to cajole, give money or simply intimidate. He did this excellently.

And if something got out of control, Uncle Olaf – his father and my second uncle – got involved. In dealing with the “petty pranks” of his beloved son, he spared no expense.

I have neither father nor mother left, only Uncle Eric. It was he who supported me when the misfortune happened. The misfortune affected not only northern dragons, but also onyx ones. It did not affect anyone, but the ruling family. Six years ago I was left alone, around the same time the Lord of the Onyx Rocks lost his wife and daughter. Both of them changed their hypostasis mid-flight and crashed. Both cases were strictly classified so that panic would not set in, surveillance of the sources was intensified, and my uncle began to leave the house much less often and almost never took off.

Only by supporting each other, we were able to survive.

But in the last two years a lot has changed. The dragons returned to tradition in matters of marriage, and it all started again with the northerners. They coped with the Adversity, and we also became calmer. The sources have indeed stabilized, and the risk of flights has disappeared. But the freedom of choice is gone. And the elements are with her!

– Through the main entrance! – I commanded irritably, walking past the gate.

The guys followed me silently, only Jed frowned:

– Through the main one? Are you serious, Ethan? It's a hook!

Freckled always expressed everything that was on his mind, but he preferred to walk in a roundabout way, as if compensating for his own straightforwardness

–What are you dissatisfied with, Flammer? “He himself wanted to look at the adepts,” Kaya sarcastically told him.

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