Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

«No,» I answered calmly and not at all offended by His assumption.

«So who are you?»

The answer to this question, no matter how strange it may seem from the outside, interested me much more than, perhaps, it interested Him. I didn’t know what to answer, so I recited a few of my poems.

«I see, a spell-caster,» He said, thinking about something, and suggested visiting a haunted basement in the center of the city, where a lot of different people used to gather to cast spells.

I said, I didn’t want to go to the place with a lot of different people, because I had little interest in people, but He replied that witches sometimes needed to materialize and ground themselves. I promised to think about it, and we said goodbye. I had an official reason not to go, being already invited to cast spells in the district library, but even if I had had a hundred reasons, or not reasons, but a real cause, I knew in advance that I would have definitely gone with Him to that basement. I didn’t answer «yes» right away, since I wanted Him to write or call me. So we corresponded for the second day. I lived by His messages, as if each of them prolonged my life.

Flirting with the MWWN, I jokingly accused Him of giving me at our last date someone else’s magic wand, which I successfully gave back to Him. I complained that, despite my requests, He had never sent His photo to me, apparently, being afraid of a love spell. I said to have finally understood why the next meeting was scheduled for the date on which, according to the old calendar, exorcists cast out demons. In conclusion, I wrote, it was a pity that He saw me only as a spell-caster, and I secretly hoped for something pleasantly tender in response.

Oh, men!!! If you want to say something to a woman, better write! In messages, every woman can see what she wants to see if she wants to.

For example, in commas, periods, spaces or ellipses, or even in their absence, as well as in the absence of the messages. If you call her, the result may be completely unpredictable…

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