Читать книгу Книга Знаний. Book of Knowledge. 1. Игра в Иную Реальность. 1. Playing Another Reality (Билингва Rus/Eng) онлайн

The MWWN suddenly called me and said the following. His fingers were tired of typing messages for me. That someone else’s magic wand was nothing. It turned out that he had bought a magic ring to me, which, having forgotten to gift me last time, just as happily gave to someone else. He didn’t have His own photo, because He didn’t appear in them. He didn’t see me as anything, thought nothing about me and didn’t care at all whether I had demons inside or not. He didn’t care if I went with Him to that haunted place, and even, perhaps, I would do the right thing going to the library and not to the haunted place, because, according to His own experience, which He was ready to share with me (!!!), amazing encounters with people of the opposite sex sometimes took place exactly in libraries. Then He dictated the address of the basement. I was about to exclaim «Bravo!», but kept silent, since He wouldn’t appreciate it. I remembered the phrase of a great woman, «If you need to explain something, there is no need any more to explain anything.»

I was often invited to cast spells, but most of all I liked reading to children. Children are such small people who have not yet acquired a shell. Light predominates in them, so they feel Another Reality. A little and very vulnerable girl who has no shell still lives inside me. When I cast spells to children, no matter how old they are, they look not at me, my appearance, clothes, but through, and see that little girl who is close and understandable to them. Children are fond of asking questions. Their questions are much smarter, deeper and more interesting than adults’ questions, so I like answering them. Many children write too, but often secretly, because they are afraid of being hurt, because they have no shell yet. I tell them the story of the beginning of my Path. I was ten years old when suddenly and in large quantities I began to write both poetry and stories. It was not that my mother didn’t want me to become a spell-caster, she was categorically against it, being very scared that if I didn’t give up such activity, a hard destiny awaited me, like all those who cast. Mom gave me examples of the great spell-casters of the Silver Age: poverty, unhappy love, loneliness, death of their loved ones and, in conclusion, their own, and tragic! I was offended and tore my notebook, but… half an hour later I collected the small pieces and glued them together with adhesive tape. Mom didn’t talk to me for a long time, but she secretly took my creations to her office and read them to her employees. Since then, I have been writing something down almost constantly. Without setting a goal to get on the list of officially recognized spell-casters, I followed the dictates of the Soul, step by step approaching the day when some of my works were published in the White Book, as Nonna predicted, and six months later I was accepted into the Most Important Society of Spell-casters of our Kingdom.

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