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“Miss McKenzie?” he inquired.

“Mr. Douglas?” Megan responded.

“Welcome to Scotland! I hope your journey wasn't too exhausting, despite the distance?”

He greeted her with a warm, paternal smile and shook Megan's hand. She appeared quite youthful to him. The girl was of modest height, with a slender waist and lean legs. Her large, expressive brown eyes and thick chestnut locks of hair, both typical traits of the McKenzie clan, were certainly distinguishing. Her delicate build and facial features gave Megan a porcelain, doll-like appearance. She was dressed in a formal dark pantsuit that elegantly complemented her slim figure. Simple shoes with modest heels completed the young woman's business-like, sophisticated look – just as Malcolm had described his granddaughter.

“All is well, thank you,” she took in the small railway station with a quick glance. Judging her surroundings, Megan quickly surmised that this was not a town but a village.

“I'm delighted by your arrival and our acquaintance. I've heard much about you from your grandfather,” the silver-haired man said as he carefully placed Megan's suitcases in the trunk of the car. “He was very proud of you. I've spent a large part of my life by his side, always as his loyal friend and the family's solicitor.”

“Thank you, Mr. Douglas. I’m glad to meet you too,” she said politely.

“Allow me to escort you to the castle, Miss McKenzie.”

“Please, just call me Megan.”

“As you wish, Megan.”

“Have we far to go?”

“About thirty minutes. Your home is near Melvich Bay, roughly 15 miles from Thurso. Tomorrow morning at 10, your relatives will be waiting for you in the meeting hall.”

“Is anyone currently living in my grandfather's house?”

“Yes, your cousin Warren and his wife are there, along with the estate manager. The couple had to leave for urgent matters right after the funeral, so they'll be returning late. It's unlikely you'll meet them today, but there should be an opportunity tomorrow morning.”

“I see. Thank you.”

* * *

“My goodness! It’s gorgeous! I could never have imagined seeing such a delightful place,” Megan exclaimed in awe as she stepped out of Mr. Douglas's car.

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