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“Megan, if you have no further questions for me, I'll take my leave as well.”

“No questions, Mr. Douglas, thank you for meeting me. I'm very grateful.”

2. Independent Life

She didn't know how long she would need to stay in Scotland, so she packed enough for a stay of about two to three weeks. She could manage her time freely, as back in London, her romance with a young man had ended, and the restaurant her mother had opened sixteen years ago was in excellent hands with a great manager.

After Arline moved to America, the business was left to Megan. She was only eleven when she started taking an interest in her mother's work. She saw how Arline loved her business and was proud of it. Megan, too, wanted to experience the same joy as her mom and emulate her in every way. She spent all her time after school in the restaurant, and over time, began to undergo professional training for future business opportunities. By seventeen, she knew everything about the industry.

Megan was shocked when Arline announced that she was marrying Ted from California and moving to the USA.

“But the restaurant, Mom, what about our restaurant? Surely, you aren’t ready to sell something that we’ve put so much love and effort into over these years?” pleaded Megan desperately.

Arline cried and answered, “Baby, I know it’s a very difficult choice right now, but one day you’ll understand me. There’s nothing more powerful in life than love. When it comes – everything changes: your values and meaning of being. Megan, we’ll have a new business in the States and start afresh, bringing all our habits and way of life there. You’ll make many new friends, and we’ll be happy, all of us together: you, me, and Ted.”

“Mom, dear, your values may have changed, but mine haven’t. I love this city, this country, this life, and most importantly, this restaurant – not some other. I want to live and work here. Please, don’t make me give it up.”

At that young age, the girl didn't fully understand what love and a beloved person meant to her mother. They had always been together, working and relaxing in unison. Arline had never been married; she dedicated her entire life to her dearest daughter, and only child.

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