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The guy, realizing how the soul was summoned, smiled impudently. But the warning about disincarnation haunted him. And the teacher continued. Yes, everything is not so simple on this third layer, where they go after death. After all, the souls of the revived exist at the expense of necromancers, which is why all the magicians of this specialization were weak. What price Dan paid for experiments with so many people is not at all clear, because the guy’s health was fine. True, Julius, slyly narrowing his eyes, whispered at the end:

– I have one suspicion about what becomes of the souls you call. And if this is so, everything is simply terrible!

From such words of the master, the young necromancer shuddered.

– Are you afraid? – the teacher grinned. – So that’s great! Because in the near future you will only have to be afraid. A hunt has been announced for you. No, not the police. These goblins and orcs are stupid and so weak that they are not able to fight such a strong magician like you on their own. After all, you know how to call the souls of the departed into any body, the Council allows protective necromancy. Eh, such an enemy’s death is much faster than from a battle mage’s fireball. And the hunters already know that you are here, in Prague Castle. No magical protection of our school will hide you from the omnipresent enemy. He will be waiting for the moment when you leave the gate. You’re not a coward to hide in a tower, are you?

The young necromancer’s eyes widened and he, opening his mouth, silently stared at his mentor.

– Does the name Pink FIFA mean anything to you? – Julius asked slyly, but Dan didn’t answer, he just shook his head.

«It didn’t tell me anything either,» the master said sadly, «but now my entire mailbox on the orconet is filled with messages from this person.» She wants you dead or alive. How did she know about you, but…

– You know, Mr. Julius, I’m not interested in this glamorous Fifa, tell her so!

– Even if she blackmails me and promises to destroy the entire school? – the mentor glanced sideways at the student. – I feel sorry for the tourists from the first layer: there will be no City, where will the poor things go? Where will I scare them by appearing in their world as a ghost? Especially when one gives the other a camera and says: «Could you take a picture of me, please? note 1» They will rush up the high steps of the palace or even this hostel where you and I are sitting now, they will throw the camera, I get the equipment.

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