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– Aren’t you tired of these tourist jokes! – Dan smiled.

It’s clear why it’s not beneficial for Julius to host a battle on school grounds.

– Yes, even if the whole Czech Republic is demolished, I will call everyone back! And I will build the City again! – the guy had no idea of the limits of his power and already imagined that he was capable of much.

– Don’t get carried away! – the master reprimanded him. «The hour is not far off when you realize how weak you are.»

This is a serious matter. Dan didn’t even feel like smiling, and his little dragon, coughing, got out of the corner and, settling down on the sofa next to his owner, read:

We’ll go to FIFA Pink together: Me and my friend Evil Dan, Mighty power of this world!

The owner, having listened to the end of the quatrain, gave the pet such a slap on the head with a request not to write anything else, that the animal slid to the floor and again retreated into the corner. And soon Dan howled, because where the dragon had settled, the creak of a fountain pen was heard again. Despite the owner’s requests, he writes a continuation.

– He’s great, you shouldn’t treat him like that!

«Graphomaniac,» the guy waved his hand. – If I had known about his literary passions, I would never have bought it!

«But he understood that it will take at least another ten years for you to understand,» the master grinned. «You need to go to the lair of this Fifa and… you know… disrupt her plans, because she’s clearly not going to do anything good, especially with the help of a powerful necromancer.» And let this be the best lesson for you, my boy.

How Dan didn’t like the name of this person. Something was wrong in these requests and threats, and the master suspected that he was sending his student to a very dangerous enterprise. But how can he, a necromancer magician, cope with a most likely strong sorceress?

«If you don’t go, I will kick you out of school without a diploma and, believe the old man, I will make sure that you are not given a job anywhere, and your necromantic museum is banned as a business harmful to the safety of the world.»

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