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“Hello, Nadyusha,” said Tatyana Dmitrievna, for some reason not as friendly as she did at the Melnikovs’ house. – What is it, you decided to catch a cold? Why are you dressed so lightly? It's not May yet, but in the evening it will become even cooler.

Tolik was silent. Nadya was even more confused.

– I… I… And you… will you go with us?

– Certainly! – Tatyana Dmitrievna snapped. “Is it proper for a girl to meet a man alone before they get engaged?!”

Nadya opened her mouth, but couldn’t find anything to object to, and closed it back. On the one hand, that’s true, but on the other hand, they’re going to the theater… But, okay. Nadya has not yet decided how to relate to this overprotection.

They entered the station and headed to the ticket office. Tatyana Dmitrievna herself talked to the cashier and paid for everything herself, and then with a patronizing look she handed Nadya a ticket in the form of a check. The three of them sat down on the triple seat: Nadya and Tolik on the sides, his mother in the middle.

“I need to talk to you very seriously, my dear,” this did not sound sweet from the lips of the potential mother-in-law. – So to speak, dot all the i’s. I know that you are from a good family and raised in the best traditions of Orthodox Christianity, and yet there are some peculiarities in how I would like to see the family life of my son…

This was followed by a repeated long enumeration of all the merits and perfections of Tolik, and then – the features of his daily routine, sleep, nutrition and other things. Then – how Tatyana Dmitrievna sees his future. Three children – no more. His health won’t allow him anymore (Nadya didn’t understand what exactly his health has to do with it, because the father’s physiological contribution to the unborn child is minimal compared to bearing and feeding the mother, but she was embarrassed to clarify). Further, all child care concerns: feeding, bathing, rocking, and so on – should fall on the mother, and the father’s responsibility is only the financial support of the family. This is why a wife should not work: she does the whole house, cleaning, cooking, and caring for her husband. Tolika is also not in good health for physical work around the house. Working with his hands is not his thing at all, and at home he should only rest.

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