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But the intermission resulted in a real disaster.

It all started peacefully, with the three of us going to the buffet. True, everything there turned out to be very expensive, and Tatyana Dmitrievna only allowed the young couple to drink a cup of tea, and then sighed for another five minutes:

– Who would have thought! A glass of boiling water and a bag – one hundred and fifty rubles! A real robbery… I hope, Nadya, that when you get married, you won’t squander the family budget like that. However, I will keep an eye on this…

But this was too much.

– How… trace? – Nadya clarified dumbfounded.

– Very simple! I will control your expenses.

Nadya still didn’t understand how exactly Tatyana Dmitrievna planned to do this. Go shopping with Nadya and watch her every move? This is physically impossible… Demand a daily report? Some kind of madness…

Nadya patted her eyes, already afraid to ask her potential mother-in-law clarifying questions: she seriously began to think that she was not quite herself. Tatyana Dmitrievna, not at all embarrassed, continued her thought:

– We will live together…

– Together..? – Nadya rustled, losing her voice from excitement.

– Well, of course. Where did you plan? Do you have a separate apartment? However, even if so, this is excluded: I need to make sure that everything in your family life will go right. At least for the first few years. Besides, I will be able to help you with the child. For example, walking with a stroller.

For this it is absolutely not necessary to live together, but Nadya did not object. She suddenly realized that Tolik was not the last bachelor on Earth, and she did not have to make any sacrifices to become his wife. Moreover, she has still not been able to meet him personally and feel at least some sympathy for him, thanks to his overly intrusive mother.

Nadya was silent for the rest of the evening and they watched the ballet peacefully, but at home she told her mother that she would not become Anatoly’s bride for any price.

Chapter 4. Reconciliation with a rude man

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