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Nadya's brothers, Misha and Gavrila, were still studying: the first at the medical academy, the second in the tenth grade of school. She herself taught at an elementary school and loved her job.

“But at least you had a fiancé,” Nadya sobbed, “but I can’t imagine what to do…

– The Lord will not leave you, daughter. The main thing is to pray, and dad and I will select a worthy candidate.

Chapter 1. Bride

Nadya was an exceptionally well-behaved and obedient girl. And in such a matter, which she did not even know how to approach, and even more so she trusted her parents. Parents, in turn, were ready to rush to the aid of their beloved child at any moment, especially in such a delicate matter. Dad, in general, believed that it was better to bring future spouses together with the older generation, because they are experienced, and their vision is not clouded by youthful passions.

Literally a couple of days after the fateful appointment, the doctor scheduled the first examination. More precisely, dinner with guests whom Nadya did not know before. Mom communicated with Tatyana Dmitrievna exclusively in the courtyard of the temple, but now this acquaintance threatened to suddenly develop into a relationship.

Tatyana Dmitrievna was a sailor's widow, a portly middle-aged lady and the happy mother of a young man named Anatoly, very intelligent and promising, as his mother certified.

From the very morning, Nadya’s brothers, notified of the evening event, giggled and laughed at their sister. Misha and Ganya unanimously asserted that they would choose their own brides and would never rely on the tastes of their relatives. Nadya didn’t pay attention to them, and there was no time for it: school in the morning, then cleaning and cooking. Mom insisted that the future bride should show her kitchen talents truthfully and in all its splendor.

“Maybe she won’t like him at all,” Ganya reasonably objected, sincerely sympathizing with his sister, who was matched blindly, and who was also forced to bake cakes and meat in French for this unknown groom.

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