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– Why did you prepare so much?! – Tatyana Dmitrievna gasped, throwing up her large hands.

– What about it? – Mom was surprised. – Guests need to be treated. This is all our Nadenka cooked…

Tatyana Dmitrievna shook her head:

“You’re doing great,” she said to her potential daughter-in-law, “but, of course, there was no need to worry so much, because overeating is harmful.”

Nadya looked down, feeling guilty, it was unclear why.

– Well, sometimes it’s possible, a little! – her father supported her, patting her on the shoulder, and sat down at the table.

“Let’s pray,” my mother suggested.

Everyone stood up. At the general request, Tolik muttered “Our Father” very quietly and indistinctly, but was not able to bless the food and drink at all, which caused a reproachful look from his mother, which could have drilled a hole in the metal.

Over the meal, communication flowed more casually. It basically boiled down to Tatyana Dmitrievna listing the merits of her son:

“Tolik graduated from school with a gold medal, yes…” she lightly touched her son’s hand with her fingers. – And an institute with honors. Teachers and lecturers couldn’t be happier with him. Do you know how many thanks they told me at graduation? So they persuaded him to go to graduate school, so they begged him… of course, in science now the cat is crying for young people, but why? Because they don't pay enough money. Do you know what the salary of an assistant professor is? The chickens laugh! You can’t live on this money – so I told Tolik, there’s no need to get involved in science. Go work as an engineer and you will roll like cheese in butter. You still have a family to support…

Unfortunately, Nadya could not boast of the same talents as her potential groom: she graduated from nine grades with half a B, and then went to a pedagogical school. According to the calling of the soul. She could, of course, finish high school and then enter a pedagogical institute, but she wanted to work specifically with small children – she would have gone to become a teacher, but her mother dissuaded her. Like, it’s too unprofitable a business.

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