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So she left this time without knowing anything. In the evening the poor man's wife told her husband about the visit of the sorceress. He answered her only this way:

– “To whom what he has got, that is what belongs to him.”

The next day the sorceress came again to the poor man's wife and asked:

– “Well, again you have learned nothing?”

– “He told me only this,” she replied: "Whoever gets what, let it be good for him!”

The rejoiced sorceress hurriedly came to the khan and said to him:

– “Did I not tell you that the horses and your son are with the one from whom you borrowed money and did not pay!”

Then the khan calls the poor man to him and asked him:

– “Do you have my son and horses?”

– “I have them!” – answered the poor man.

– “In that case I cede my khanate to you, you should be the khan, not me.”

Meanwhile, the orphans, whom the poor man had taken into his family and had never wronged, turned against him, looking for an opportunity to kill him. And the poor man said:

– “How right my father was! I was convinced by my own experience of the truth of his instructions.”

The Wolf and the Seven Goats of Gazza

Once upon a time there was a poor man. His name was Gazza. He had only seven goats, nothing else was in his household. The first goat had one belly, the second had two bellies, the third three bellies, the fourth – four, the fifth – five, the sixth – six and the seventh had seven bellies.

Only around noon did the poor man let all seven goats go to graze.

One day, when they were grazing, the one-bellied goat said to the two-bellied one:

– “I've had enough, my belly is full. If you are full, let's go home.”

And the one-bellied goat replied:

– “My belly is still empty, wait for me.”

– “No, I'm going home”, – said the one-bellied goat. She was walking along the road, and a wolf meets her.

– “Whose are you?” – he asked.

– “I'm the goat of Gazza”, – she replied.

– “And what is that on your head and what is it for?” – The wolf points to her horns.

– “These are the tips for Gazza's pitchfork, in case he needs them.”

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