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– “What happened to you, why are you crying?”
The hare told him about his grief. The wolf sympathized and sat down beside him – he could not help in any other way. The fox came, and the hare told her about his grief too. Finally, the rooster came and asked the hare:
– “What happened to you, what are you crying about?”
When the hare told him about his grief, he stood at the door and shouted three times at the top of his voice:
– cock-a-doodle-do!
The goat was frightened and flew off the stove, her legs broke, and she gave up her life.
The hare and his friends had a great feast. They ate the goat's fatty meat, leaving her legs and horns for the old woman.
The jinn king and the poor man
Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman. They lived in poverty. The old man went hunting, and if the hunt was successful, they were fed, but if the hunt was unsuccessful, they sat in their poor shack hungry.
One day the old man hunted all day and met no one. And his wife hoped that he would bring something and they would eat.
The old man was tired and thirsty. He saw a lake and went to it to drink water. But when he reached the water, someone grabbed him by his beard and started pulling towards him.
The old man began to beg:
– “I am an old man, let me go, don't pull me towards you!”
But the one who was pulling him replied:
– “I will turn you into a young man, if only you can be useful!”
And dragged the old man after him. Out of the lake a door opened into the sea. They passed these doors and went on. From the sea a door to the land opened, and they went on land.
The Jinn King lived there. He greeted the old man with joy and said to him:
– Hello, guest! The stakes of my wattle are missing one head, and I will stake your head unless you fulfill my demand. If you do, I will give you my daughter.
The poor man looked around, and when he saw the human heads on the stakes of the wattle, his heart fell: “And my head will be cut off!” he thought.
The Jinn King gave three tasks and promised to marry his daughter to the one who would fulfill all three of them. Pointing to a field lined with stacks of wheat, he gave the poor man the first task: